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Matthew: Mercy & Faithfulness
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What if the warning signs you encounter daily were more than just mundane signals but profound spiritual insights? Journey with us through the layers of life's cautionary tales, inspired by Jesus' words in Matthew 23 and the life of Garrett Morgan, the inventor of the yellow traffic light. Explore how these warnings, whether they manifest as traffic signals or personal health cues, offer vital lessons for aligning our spiritual lives with God's will. Reflect on anecdotes of ignored warnings and consider the critical question: is your spiritual compass pointing true north?
As we navigate the challenges of hypocrisy and spiritual integrity, Jesus' critique of the religious leaders serves as a powerful lens. Our conversation delves into the painful reality of maintaining external appearances while grappling with inner decay, reminiscent of forgotten messes and seemingly fresh yet rotting lemons. This episode encourages you to examine the sincerity of your faith and actions, urging you to address any hidden 'dead things' within, much like the Pharisees Jesus confronted.
Finally, discover the profound beauty of repentance and hope as we discuss the church's role as a beacon of life and the ever-present assurance of God's unwavering grace. Inspired by the song "Clear the Stage," we challenge ourselves to remove distractions and idols, seeking authentic worship and a transformative faith. Join us as we explore the promise of Jesus' return and the vibrant path of genuine connection with God, both personally and within our communities.
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Hi, my name is Brenda Silva. I'm a senior from Benicia High School and I'm going to be doing the. I'm going to be doing the scripture reading today out of Matthew 23, verses 25 to 39. Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees. You hypocrites. You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisee. First clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside they are full of greed and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisee. First clean the inside of the cup so that the outside of it may also be clean.
Speaker 1:Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees. You hypocrites. You are like whitewashed tombs which appear beautiful on the outside, but on the inside you are full of bones of the dead and every kind of impurity. In the same way, on the outside you seem righteous to people, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness. Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees. You hypocrites. You build the tombs of the prophets and decorate the graves of the righteous and you say if we have lived in the days of our ancestors, we wouldn't have taken part with them in shedding the prophets' blood. So you testify against yourselves that you were descendants of those who murdered the prophets. Fill up, then, the measure of your ancestor's sins.
Speaker 1:Snakes, brood of vipers, how can you escape being condemned to hell? This is why I am sending you prophets, sages and scribes. Some of them you will kill and crucify, and some of them you will flog into your synagogues and pursue from town to town. So all the righteous bloodshed on the earth will be charged to you, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of Zechariah, son of Berechiah, whom you murdered between the sanctuary and the altar. Truly, I tell you, all these things will come on to this generation. Jerusalem, jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her. How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing. See, your house is left to you desolate, for I tell you, you will not see me again until you say blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. This is the word of the Lord, thank you.
Speaker 2:Thanks be to God. I didn't want to be the first one to read that, so I was like why don't you come out and do that? Let me ask you a question. Think about this in your head. How do you know when there is trouble? How do you know when trouble is afoot? How do you know you get warned? Right, you get warned. I want to introduce you to a guy that I just learned about.
Speaker 2:His name is Garrett Morgan. Here's a photo of him. He was around in the early 1900s, garrett Morgan. He invented a couple things. He invented a gas mask, so thank you for that. Everyone, take a deep breath and thank him for that. But for our intents and purposes, he invented in 1923 the yellow traffic light, or at least at that point it was the warning light. And here's why he witnessed a carriage accident, because you know, those things just come ripping through an intersection. You really got to be careful with that. But he realized that they needed some sort of a warning that it was going from go to stop, and so he invented a three-position traffic signal warning them that their carriage needed to slow down.
Speaker 2:Warning lights there's lots of warning lights in our life aren't there? We all have warning lights, and some of them are actual warning lights and some are a little bit different. We have yellow traffic lights that you see, that, all you see it. And then you say speed up. That's what that one says. How about a dashboard light that goes off for you? Or it says check engine? My back immediately starts getting sweaty when I see the check engine light. I'm like, oh, is it going to blow up? I should just pull over and lay down. That's what I should do, right, what about this? This isn't a light, but you're taking a hike and you're out in the wilderness and all of a sudden you hear, oh, yeah, then you know that there's a rattlesnake somewhere around. You're like I'm going to just give you that area, that four square miles, and I'm going to just leave.
Speaker 2:I think it's interesting. I think your body knows. Your body knows that there's things that are wrong, way before your head does, and it'll oftentimes try and tell you that. You always hear about people who are diagnosed with some sort of an illness. They go.
Speaker 2:If I listened to my body, it was telling me something way before I had that happen. My body was trying to tell me to get out of a situation and I ignored it. This was back in college. I decided to start working out, and so I sat there and I was trying to impress a girl that I was sitting next to as I was working out, and so I started to lift these weights. My body said you shouldn't do that, because this is really bad. And I ignored my body and I kept lifting the weights, and the weight of the weight above my head dislocated my shoulder out of the socket and I was in so much pain that I threw up on myself and all while she's sitting there watching this thing. Should have listened to my body, then, right, should listen to the warning signs, because there's something saying there is trouble. So then let me ask you this how do you know if the life that you are living for God is not going well? How do you know if the things that you are trying to do for God, or the life that you're living, is not pleasing to God? And I would say this and this is what you just heard Brenda read, and we're going to go through it today is that God sends a warning. He sends warning lights. It's up to us if we want to choose to listen to that. It's up to us if we want to see those and then do something about it. So welcome.
Speaker 2:My name is Jeff Bachman, one of the pastors here on staff and I get the privilege of teaching today. We have been going through, as you know, matthew for a couple weeks or so. You know a little bit, a little bit of time, thanks. We've been going through Matthew. We are in Matthew 23, and then I'm going to be bringing Matthew 23 to a close, which means next week will be Matthew there we go, that's how it goes, that's how numbers work. Will be Matthew, there we go. That's how it goes, that's how numbers work.
Speaker 2:And so in 23, for the last three weeks, and then this week is that Jesus has been teaching, and he's been teaching the woes, and not like Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, like whoa, but these are woes like how dare you? So it's woe W-O-E. And it actually translates. I had an English teacher come and tell me after the last service. It actually translates to oh the horror, oh, yeah, yeah. And all of a sudden that makes it seem a reference to a short story. That, then, is what became Apocalypse Now oh the horror. And what I think is interesting is this is that, oh the horror, which is what woe translates into. This is that, oh the horror, which is what woe translates into. It's not a common phrase and it wasn't one that was used in those times. Jesus actually said it and it was almost.
Speaker 2:It was an elicited response based on what he saw. He saw he was surveying the land, he was surveying the religious leaders and he saw it and he said, oh the horror. Not planned, but out of an emotional response to what he saw. A couple of years ago I was working with somebody and he at the time was a dear friend of mine and he and I would sit there and I would share my life and he'd share his life and we'd talk about things that we're struggling with or things that were going well and things that weren't going well. Later on in life, or later on when we were working together, he got a promotion and at the point that it was my turn to get some sort of a promotion, he said, yeah, man, based on the things that you shared with me, I don't think that you're ready for that yet. And I found myself out of that elicited emotion. I literally looked at him and I said how dare you? And that's not my normal vernacular. I don't say that. It's not like when somebody gives me coffee and it's supposed to be cold but it's hot and I go how dare you? You know, like it just felt, so Shakespearean, but it really was one of those just how dare you?
Speaker 2:And we see Jesus doing the same thing here of saying oh the horror for how the religious leaders were carrying themselves, how they were making there be these religious steps that they were keeping, they were being a gatekeeper of God, and how they were handling money and how they were spending money and generally how they were carrying their entire lives. And Jesus saw it and said oh the horror. Their actions were an indication of their heart. But now we're going to move a little bit more, because now we're talking about them being hypocrites. And it was an indication of their heart. Now we get to actually get to the heart of the matter. We're going to talk about the condition of their hearts, because he's talking to these hypocrites. These is it's translated in the Greek stage actors, play pretenders. But I actually believe that for these guys, these people, these religious leaders, I think that they actually believed what they were doing. I think that they were at a place of saying like it wasn't them intentionally doing it. They had lived the lie for so long that they now were a full version of who they had been pretending to be.
Speaker 2:And so 23 ends. Next week we're gonna start with 24. Jesus leaves the temple with the disciples and then we begin talking about end times and eschatology. So that's what we've got coming, but I have the distinct task of wrapping up 23 and this whole ray of sunshine that the last couple of weeks have been of woe to you, you religious leaders. But here's the thing. I'd rather say it. I'd rather say the thing.
Speaker 2:If this is what the passage says, I'm going to play the ball as it lies, and I'd rather say the thing, because Jesus is giving us a warning and though it's to the religious leaders, it applies to me. And so I would rather say the thing and say I've investigated scripture and, based on what this says, is that there's an action and a response that each of us have. Because of that, because I'd rather say it and give the warning, I care too much about you and us to step forward and to allow our church to become something that Jesus never wanted it to be. I would hate for us to go out there and drive our engine without oil and let it blow up. And I'm looking at myself first, and I'll just tell you that because, rather than doing this and expecting you to do something, is that you need to know that it's been. I don't like this at all because it's strong and thereby the grace of God go. I is that he is speaking directly to me and it feels like he's reading my emails, but the risk is this is that we can become enamored with a superficial sheen. Things can look really pretty and shiny, and then you lull yourself into believing that everything is okay, and the danger is, if you let that go for too long, jesus wants nothing to do with that. So we're going to look at this. And, by the way, here's the other part. These are the words of Jesus. Like it's not me, you heard Brenda read it, it's Jesus's words and he is speaking to them. So let's start in 25. It says this woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees and hypocrites. Now, first, before we get any farther, I want to say this because it's easy to look at that and go okay, well, I am not a teacher of the law, I am not a Pharisee and I'm for sure not a hypocrite, because you know that's not me, it's us, and I'll say it like this.
Speaker 2:I was driving on the freeway, I was going to visit my mom for her birthday this last week and we were driving on the freeway in the fast lane. I'll just tell you right now, because you know we're friends and I want to have an honest relationship I was speeding, okay, I know, I know. Well, let's pray. We're all done here for today. I was going 70, probably 72 in a 65. I was keeping up with the flow of traffic, but I was in the fast lane. I was going 72. So actually you might hate me more because I was only going 72 in the fast lane.
Speaker 2:But I'm cruising along, I'm going with the flow of traffic and all of a sudden this highway patrolman comes right behind me. Whoop, like this, I know, and I'm like oh, don't you see all the cars here? And immediately I grabbed the steering wheel and I turned down the radio. I don't know why. I was like shh, he can hear it and he got there. And then, all of a sudden. So we're sitting there and I'm waiting. I'm waiting to see what's going to happen here because nothing's happened yet and all of a sudden, about five cars in front of me I see that there's another car because again, we're in the far left lane, but then there's a carpool lane double yellow lines and this car, sinner, goes and crosses over the double lines into the carpool lane and all of a sudden this highway patrolman goes and he speeds off and he gets behind that person and turns on his lights and I was like, yeah, sweet justice, sweet, sweet justice. And so he's sitting there and I was like get him, maybe lifetime conviction, I don't know Whatever you want to do. So he's sitting there and after about five or 10 seconds he goes and he scoots off and he goes and takes the exit. I'm like what you just missed? The biggest criminal out here. Why didn't you get that person over there? Here's what I'm saying.
Speaker 2:You may not be a religious leader, you may not be a teacher of the law, and just because you didn't get a ticket for speeding does not mean that you weren't speeding. So may we be about this. It is to the religious leaders, but he's actually talking to a whole group of people where the religious leaders are there, and there is something that we can learn in this, because it's a heart condition, not a position in a church. Amen, we all got work to do, so let's keep going. You clean the outside of the cup and dish, but inside you are full of greed and self-indulgence. Blind Pharisee. First clean the inside of the cup and dish and then the outside of the cup will also be clean.
Speaker 2:I have entered a new phase in my parenting that I knew nothing about. I didn't read any booklets or pamphlets about this. No one warned me about this and what to expect when you're expecting. I didn't know anything about this and it's called this. It's called. I came up with this title. It's called Whole House Cup Plate Dish Treasure Hunt Party Extravaganza. I know I added the party extravaganza just to convince me that it's actually fun.
Speaker 2:So here's what it is. Is it about every one to three days? Is that I will make a declaration to the entire house and I will say young, children and adults alike. I'm going to turn on the dishwasher and we haven't ran the dishwasher in three days and there's no dishes in here. I don't know where all the dishes are. If they're in your room, if you could bring them out, I would really appreciate that. And so out from all of the corners of our room come all these piles and stacks of dishes piling high to heaven, and each one of them are beautiful and pristine. I don't know, but here's the thing. The plates are fine. The plates come out and they've got old toast on them, they've got the bowls are okay, they've got dried up macaroni and cheese and spaghetti, which I'm like. Why are you eating spaghetti in your room? Like, make better life choices. And then all the utensils are there and those are fine. I can soak those in the kitchen sink, we can deal with it.
Speaker 2:The problem, the insidious things, are those cups, because we've asked that they have cups with lids and straws that go into their room. But the problem with the cups and the lids and the straws is that they look fine on the outside. And then I go and I take those because I don't know why they think that setting it in the sink is going to fix it. But they set it in the sink and so at some point somebody's got to get into this thing and this liquid that they were drinking I don't know four years ago has now turned into a solid. It's no longer a liquid, it's now. It's turned, and so you open that thing up and the odor that it comes and and there's a straw in there too, and you're like there's, that's even worse than the straw.
Speaker 2:So what I'm saying is, if you come over to my house, just ask for paper plates. That's what you should have, but it's so tricky, I get it. I was like, oh, there's the cup and I turn it over and it just, and then it eventually like falls out like ice cream. You're like that used to be juice. What happened there? It's superficial on the outside and it looks fine, but on the inside it's insidious and it's dirty.
Speaker 2:And what Jesus says is that you look good, you religious leaders, you look good, you people, but you keep stuffing yourself. He says, stuffing yourself with greed and indulgence, which also then implies that this cup has a certain limit. But it's like I don't care if it's full, I'm going to keep taking the things for me and I'm going to stuff sin and guilt and shame and greed and indulgence and I'm going to put it in there and eventually, at some point, it's going to start spilling out. Keep going. Verse 27, it says Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites. You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of bones of the dead and everything unclean. And in the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.
Speaker 2:In junior high I had a girlfriend. Now, don't be alarmed, it wasn't anything serious, it was junior high. And actually this girl that I was dating, I met her at church. We went to different schools so, like I just taught, literally this relationship was we'd talk on the phone. I would take the phone with the long phone cord attached to the wall and I would like go over here in the corner and be like no, you hang up, no, you hang up, no, we'd just sit there and talk and then we'd hang out at church on Sundays and then we'd go back and in one of these conversations and it wasn't deep and theological, it wasn't like we were solving the problems of the world, but at some point we got into some sort of a junior high conversation about how pink lemonade is made. I know so deep, right, but this is just a junior high conversation and she said how is pink lemonade made? And I said easy, pink lemons. I was just being funny.
Speaker 2:So then that next week that we came to church is that she had gone and taken a lemon and painted it pink. And she goes see, I found a pink lemon. Oh, so cute. And so as a memento of our junior high relationship, I took this and I put it on my dresser. And so every time I walked by I was like that's my junior high girlfriend, I love her so much, we're probably gonna date for four and a half hours, that's about it. And so we hung out and we talked on the phone and hung out at church for a couple months and after a bit, like junior high relationships do it came to an end.
Speaker 2:But the pink lemon remained on my dresser and eventually my parents came into the room and they're like your room smells and I was like I'm a junior high boy, what do you expect? And they're like no, this is like a different stink than the normal junior high boy stink. It's just completely different. And so we opened up the windows and we changed the laundry and we did all those sorts of things and it just remained. And all of a sudden I looked over there and that pink lemon, while it looked exactly the same as you go over there and you realize that all of a sudden there was an odor emitting from this piece of fruit that was really just kind of unholy and didn't need to have any part of it. And if you looked at the lemon it was shrinking a little bit. It was starting to look a little bit more like a deflated balloon. And then I picked it up. I picked it up and I just kind of like squeezed like that and the whole thing fell apart in my hands because it was this rotten, deteriorated, dried out, dead thing on the inside, but it looked just fine. Dead thing on the inside, but it looked just fine. But it started to spill out.
Speaker 2:Same as the last woe, but it actually takes it a step further, because Jesus knew for them is that in Jewish culture you did not touch a dead person. You had nothing to do with blood or injuries. Those are all things that would make you ceremonially unclean. So he's sitting here and he's saying you know how you're supposed to avoid dead? Well, it's in a tomb and that's dead. They believe so much so that they were not supposed to associate with anything dead. You even see this in the tale of the Good Samaritan in that story where it says that the religious leaders would walk around because they didn't even want to get their shadow on them, that they would just walk around it because they wanted to have nothing to do and associate with things that are dead. And Jesus is saying that thing that you are avoiding is in you, that dead thing, you are housing a dead thing and you are associating with it. But I mean, let's be honest, we do it too right.
Speaker 2:In our own tomb we hold death. We hold death and it eventually comes out. You can't keep it forever. It will eventually come out with your tongue and the way that you talk to other people, with your thoughts, with your actions, with your decisions. Let me ask you this what are you holding? What death are you holding in your life because of decisions that you made so long ago? What death are we housing in our lives that's just sitting in there and that is going to be expelled at some point? And then we all of a sudden start sharing death when we're supposed to be giving life. Let me ask it another way what are you feeding yourself giving life? Let me ask it another way what are you feeding yourself? What are the things that you are feeding yourself to cause life or death.
Speaker 2:I know for myself and again, these are things that I have long ago submitted to Jesus because they are who I am. And yet I know that, by God's grace is that I am a new creation, but it's also that thing that I will continue to wrestle with. I know that I am sarcastic and I know that that's not helpful. I know that I can get angry and I have a temper, and I also know that I have a really quick wit and when I take the three of those together and it's unsubmitted to Jesus, it becomes death. When I let that out on other people and sadly enough, it probably comes out most of the people that are closest to me, and I justify it. I justify it because I'm loud and I'm big and I like to have fun and things like that.
Speaker 2:But what I recognize when I raise my voice and when I get passionate about something, it's because there's something in here that I haven't yet dealt with. And so then all of a sudden, I am expelling death on other people and I've watched, even when my kids have made mistakes, and look, they are human beings, they're supposed to make mistakes and instead of me parenting them and correcting them with love and joy and peace and patience and kindness and goodness, I parent them with words of death and I watch as the light goes out in their eye because they just go. That wasn't good, that wasn't life-giving, and I have to confess and I have to ask for forgiveness. But I know when I'm holding death and it comes out at some point and more often than not it comes out you don't get to choose when it comes out, it just does. Let's keep going Well, and in fact, before we keep jumping into it is we say this, and this is both good news and bad news.
Speaker 2:1 Samuel 16, 7 says it like this the Lord does not look at the things, people look at Amen. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. That could either be the best news that you've heard today or you're like oh no, he wait a minute. He can see my heart, yup, yup. He can see your heart, he can see mine. And if we have not at some point gone and submitted that to Jesus, then we are in trouble, because Jesus is speaking to this.
Speaker 2:In this instance, he is speaking clearly to a group of people who are way more concerned about the outside than they are on the inside, or, at the very least, is that they've addressed it and they don't care. They go oh, I see what's in there, I don't think it's all that important, I can manage it. It's something. Yeah, it's there and I'll deal with it at some point. But I'm going to work on these sort of things first, because unfortunately and it's true today as well we live in a culture that is obsessed with what's on the outside, and if we continue to focus with what's on the outside, then we are as a culture, as a big C church, as Northgate, as an individual, we are holding death and hoping that the parts on the outside are going to fix the parts on the inside, and that's not how it works. And so if we as a church get more enamored with bigger sound and lights and haze and coffee shops and programs and youth groups, then all those things are not bad and they are not sinful. But if that is the thing that we are leading with and there is no heart behind it, then, oh the horror. We have to be people who are individually and directed towards our own integrity, with Jesus first, and that will then shape a church that's worth following Because we are first submitted to Jesus, and so then you go. I can follow that because you are submitted to Jesus, and I will do the same thing. But sadly is that the Western church is at a place where they are more concerned with the outside than they are the inside, and sadly we as a church, if we are left unchecked, are not too far away from that. And sadly, I am not too far away from that because I'm wildly concerned about how I look and how I present myself and what you think of me. Oh the horror. Let's keep going.
Speaker 2:Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites. They use that same title five times, and once he calls them blind guides, but it's also the same. It says you build tombs for the prophets and decorate the graves of the righteous, and you say if we had lived in the days of our ancestors, we would not have taken part with them in shedding the blood of the prophets of our ancestors. We would not have taken part with them in shedding the blood of the prophets. So you testify against yourself and are the descendants of those who murdered the prophets. Go ahead, then, and complete what your ancestors have started.
Speaker 2:Jesus is basically saying you honor your forefathers who were killed for authentic faith. They came and they led with authentic faith and communicating the heart and nature of who God is, and you killed them. You killed them and you sit here and you say today that you would have done it differently. But you wouldn't have done it differently and you're not doing it differently and go ahead and have your way, because at some point I too, jesus, will have to submit under your earthly authority and I too will die for what I am saying. How dare you? And for us, I say how dare I, because again, oh the horror, verse 33, you snakes, you brood of vipers, how will you escape being condemned to hell? These are titles. Jesus is actually using, titles that are used in reference to Satan, so he's associating religious leaders and he is calling them equivalent to Satan.
Speaker 2:And then, at that point, he then turns and he says how will you escape the condemning of hell? He's actually asking the question, saying how in the world, if you are a snake and a viper, a brood of vipers, how will you escape the condemning of hell? Because you are headed in a path that is not of God and that needs to change. Is there? He's almost asking the question is there any hope for you? And so, my friends, would you with me today, ask that same question of yourself, investigate your life and to say is the life that I am living a reflection of Christ, who has changed me, made me new, or I continuing to protect an image that is not of Jesus?
Speaker 2:34, therefore, I am sending you prophets and sages and teachers, some of which you will kill and crucify, others you will flog in the synagogues and pursue from town to town, basically saying starting in 34, he says therefore, I am sending you. So he says you snakes. There's the title. He says how will you rescue yourself? Therefore, there's this old Bible trick where, when you see the word therefore, you ask what is it? Therefore? So, he's saying so, in light of all this, I am sending you religious leaders, I'm sending you prophets, I'm sending you ones who will speak in the night. I am sending you ones who is a voice in darkness that will push back darkness and will be light, and some of them you will kill. You will, because that's what you do. I'm sending them and that's the hope that I'm sending. Some you will kill and some will be those voices that will continue to pester at you, not reflecting me and the heart of God.
Speaker 2:And this is essentially a shadow of what Jesus is going to be talking more about in 24, because he's gonna begin to talk about this idea of the destruction of the temple and that, effectively, this temple that was built is now laying vacant because of the religious leaders and their actions. In fact, in 24, the disciples go wait this, all this. You're talking about the destruction of the temple and all this. What do you mean by that? Go wait this, all this. You're talking about the destruction of the temple and all this. What do you mean by that? Like? Can you explain that? Because I don't understand. I can't even imagine this big, monumental thing. I could never conceive of anything like the Western church ever being destructed.
Speaker 2:And you know what Jesus is saying. He says if we don't change this, that thing that you hold so dear will lay ruin, and that, for Jesus and the disciples and the apostles, he's saying that this is essentially our path out. And, as you read the book of Acts, this is how the church expands, this is where there are martyrs and this is where people die for their faith and continue to be that voice and that prophet 35. And so upon you will come all the righteous blood that has been shed on earth, from the blood of righteousness, shed on earth From the blood of righteousness or righteous Abel, to the blood of righteous Zechariah, son of Berechiah, whom you murdered between the temple and the altar. Truly, I tell you, all this will come on this generation.
Speaker 2:Jesus is saying. Essentially, there will come a day that I, jesus, will make all that is wrong right, every wrong that has been poured out on the people. I will make that which is wrong right. Judgment will be poured out on you. If you don't begin to address the condition of your heart. I will pour judgment out on you for these things. You will be held accountable for what you have done, your actions and your thoughts, your head and your heart.
Speaker 2:And then he goes oh, you guys talk all about descendants. I got descendants too. You know the descendants I have. It's the prophets who've been sent Abel, the first prophet, all the way to Zechariah, the last, chronologically in scripture of the Old Testament. And he's saying and every one of them you picked off because they continue to declare the heart and the nature of God, not your own power and your position. And so I will come and prophets will continue to come and do that, but it's going to change you. My friends, religious leaders, you are protecting a system and a myth and a legend or an ego that isn't worth protecting, and you have killed these people because they've spoken against that and tried to take something away from you. And you've killed those speaking in truth and you will continue to. And in your sin you are attempting to suppress truth. How dare you? Woe, do you understand where that the heart of what Jesus is saying? This is woe to you because there is ruin that is coming your way if you don't change this in true. And then he ends this part in 36, where he goes. He says truly. I tell you, all this will come to that generation.
Speaker 2:Other translations don't just say truly, they say truly. Truly, because you can't underline or bold in those sort of ways, you can't make the font bigger. When I read this, I used to study sign language when I was in college and my favorite sign was this and it's two signs it's this one means true, do this with me, this will be fun, true. And then this is the sign. You take one face and it means work like that. So this is I'm going to work, right, but if you put them together, it's true business and that means I promise you. And so every time I read this, truly, truly, it's this and you got to have the face to where you're like yeah, you're like, true business. You're in big trouble if you do not change your heart and your ways, because destruction is coming on. You Watch it, okay. 37, keep going. Is he okay? No, he's not. He's not not at all.
Speaker 2:37, jerusalem. Jerusalem, meaning the city of Jerusalem, meaning the nation, the people, the leadership, his heart. This is my precious Jerusalem. You're not living up to what God has made you to be. You are a false leader. Jerusalem, jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you. How often I have longed for you to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing.
Speaker 2:Look, your house is left desolate. For I tell you, you will not see me again until you say blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Look, your house is empty. What happens when a house is empty? Everybody's gone and it's destruction. That word desolate translates to uninhabited and vacant, essentially keeping in mind of a few things Jesus is reminding them. He says you remember, you've read in your history books about how, in 586 BC, that the Babylonians came and pulled you out and everything was desolate. Well, by the way, that's going to happen again in 70 AD, when the Romans come and do it again. True business, this is going. It happened, so don't forget that, and it will happen again. Both are coming. So you're seeing a reminder and a warning all at once.
Speaker 2:And he says your house that you have abandoned, it's gone, and even and I think that there's illusion not only of the temple being destroyed but also saying the house is empty, the place of worship is empty and the spirit has left the building. Now, the hope in that is this you and I know that what is to come is a spirit that doesn't dwell in temples only. It dwells in the heart of human beings, and that's the hope that we get. We get the spirit. So this is not only Jesus speaking of the imagery of people abandoning their house and their faith and their life and forsaking a religious system because of they want fame and glory and things that they think are better, but Jesus is talking about also the destruction that is going to come their way. So get ready, because the spirit's leading the temple and it's going to come back and it's going to dwell with you as a sign and a marker of saying all is not lost yet. But Jesus says I'm abandoning a religious system that has old ways of worship and it's vacant and without life.
Speaker 2:I have this weird fascination, and I don't know what it is. I have a weird fascination with abandoned amusement parks and malls. Anybody else have this weird fascination, and I don't know what it is? I have a weird fascination with abandoned amusement parks and malls. Anybody else have this? I mean, if you're like kids from the 70s or 80s, like you spend a lot of time in the malls and now you see these things and they're just abandoned. And the same is true with amusement parks. There's a couple out there.
Speaker 2:I want to show you these pictures. These are pictures from an amusement park. It's an amusement park called Nara Dreamland. There I got it. Disneyland opened up in 1955. Nara Dreamland, also known as Dreamland, opened up in 1961. And this was essentially Japan going. We like Disneyland, we want to make it over here, and Disney said no way. And they go, that's fine, we're just going to make it. And so if you look at photos of Nara, dreamland or Dreamland, you can even see in this picture, right there, that's fine, we're just going to make it. And so if you look at photos of Nara, disneyland or Dreamland or Dreamland, you can even see in this picture right there, what's that in the middle that looks remotely like a Mickey Mouse face. Like, do you see the painting on the floor in the middle of it? Right there, that kind of looks like Mickey Mouse. And so this thing is a replica of Disneyland. It was over from 1961, dreamland all the way to 2006. In 2006, it closed and it went out of business and then after that, from 2006 to 2016, it became a place that actually got very famous for people, just like breaking in and taking photos like this and checking it out.
Speaker 2:I don't know why that person's face is blue. I hope that was a choice. I'm not sure that's not me, how about that? But in each one of these and I think we got one more photo, oh the horror, right? I mean like, look that poor Viking's missing an arm and both of his feet.
Speaker 2:But I think here's where I think the fascination comes from. I think that it's something that was designed for life and fun and community and it's not being used for that. And I think God has given us his church, the bride that is designed to expand his kingdom, push back darkness to be light in the community. And when you see it not being used for the thing that it's supposed to, how dare us that? The thing that was designed for life and life-giving hope. There's nothing going on there.
Speaker 2:And you see Jesus at the end of these passages. It's this deep lament that he has of saying you aren't being who I made you to be. If you read this account in Luke is that on the way into Jerusalem he is weeping, and on the way out of Jerusalem, from 13 then to 19, he's weeping again. And this deep lament of saying you aren't who I made you to be. So here's what I'll say. There's two places that I see some grace and hope in this, of where we can align our lives, of going. It's not hopeless, we are not in ruin, first off because of Jesus, but there's two places. The first is this I believe God is calling us to repent and to run to him, and that is both as the Western church and then also as individuals. And it actually starts as the individual to run to him, to rest in him, to, as Jesus said, to hide under his wing as a hen hides his chicks or her chicks under his wing, as a hen hides his chicks or her chicks to trust Jesus that he came to pull us in, to guide and protect and care for. And all throughout scripture you see that imagery of hiding under the shelter of a wing, but also that from there, when we do that, he fights for us and he protects us and he changes us. When we see him and we sit in the shadow of his wing and he cares for us and comforts us, is that we find rest and hope and a new life.
Speaker 2:Psalm 91, one through four says it like this whoever dwells in the shelter of the most high he's saying whoever if you dwell in the shelter of the most high, here is what I'm promising you. Here is the life. You don't have to manufacture a life anymore. You don't have to make yourself more than you were. You don't have to create yourself to be anything other than who I've made you to be.
Speaker 2:If you dwell in the shelter of the most high, then you will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty, I will say of the Lord. He is my refuge and my fortress and my God, in whom I trust. Surely he will save you from the fowler snares and from the deadly pestilence. And then, here it is, he will cover you with his feathers and under his wing and you will find refuge. His faithfulness will be your shield and your rampart. How gracious is our Jesus. How gracious is our God, despite the heart of those who have turned away, and myself included. How gracious because he's even declaring to a nation of Israel that he says you have missed the mark, but there is still time. Run to me, come to me and I will gather you under my wing as a hen does her chicks. There is no nation in scripture that has been more blessed than Israel, and also one that has not turned their back more.
Speaker 2:Based on that blessing, god is king and he is loving and kind and wants to be present, and he wants to be the one in charge of not only his big C church but this church as well, and so, instead of trying to be God, we should just let him do that the one who directs our thoughts and our hearts and how we spend our money and the way that we live our lives and how we care for the fatherless and the widows, and how we include and create community. That's what he wants to be for us today. And so repent and run to God, my friends. Second, as I believe that there's a hidden promise in his warning, and it's this let me read 39 for you again. It says, for I tell you, you will not see me again until you say blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Okay, that's fine.
Speaker 2:Not only is he referencing in this, not only is he referencing Psalm 118, verse 26, where he's fulfilling the prophecies and the promise, and he's saying that is me. I'm not only here, but I will come back. But listen to the words that he said blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, but you will not see me again until Stop, full stop, there. I don't even know when that's going to be. It says that we don't know when Jesus will return. He will return like a thief in the night. I don't think, because we're at a political season right now, that it's going to be November 6th, but we don't know when it's going to come.
Speaker 2:But here's what is important. He says you will not see me again until wait a minute. So we're going to see you again. So you're saying there's a chance You're going to come back, right? Because, jesus, right now it feels like there are days that I go. Where are you? And if I'm gonna be totally honest is that I feel like you're farther away from me than I want, and I gotta believe that that has to do with the condition of my heart. And then when I submit, that is that he draws closer or he pulls me in. So you haven't fully given up, because I really feel like I've blown it, but you haven't fully given up Because I really feel like I've blown it, but you haven't fully given up.
Speaker 2:Good, and while there is much to be concerned about with the culture that we live in and the Big C Church and our nation that we live in, all of those need to be prayed for and considered and need to be submitted to Jesus. That there's much to be concerned of in that that if you are not first taking your own relationship and submitting that to God, then we have a big problem. I had a pastor once tell me he said if it's not working at home, then you shouldn't export it. And so we have an individual responsibility. We have an individual responsibility to submit our lives to Jesus and allow him to change and conform us by his grace and his mercy, to look more like him, and then say I'm doing the best I can. Can you guys come alongside and we're going to do that together? I think that we can, and there's much that is a problem of the church today. But if we are sacrificing image and fame and numbers and superficial results to make it look like it's a really good thing and that things are happening, we are in trouble. And, my friends, that starts with me. So can I invite you? Do you want to join me? So then, how do we do that? Because you go great. This again, not the most uplifting thing that I've ever read today, but how do we start there? I think it's a couple things. I think we need to find the warning lights in our own life and in the life of those that we are in community with, and I think that we do it like this we take inventory.
Speaker 2:Right out of high school, I worked at a couple different jobs. I had a paper route Students. That's a newspaper. Forget it, forget it, forget it. I had a paper route. I worked at Taco Bell for a little bit. They put me at the drive-thru because I could do math in my head, I don't know. And then I worked at the Gap. I worked at the Gap and I was decent at it because I was able to sell clothes and this and that. I'm not really good at putting stuff together. But the days that I hated the most when I worked at the Gap was inventory days, and so I'd work my shift from 10 o'clock till six in the evening, or I'd do an evening shift from six to 10, and then after that they'd close the doors and lock them and they would pay staff to be there from 10 o'clock at night until like six in the morning and we would meticulously count everything that was there. We'd count the polos, we'd count the linens, the button-ups, we'd count the dresses, we'd count the khakis oh, you better believe, we'd count the khakis, and both the plain fronted and the pleated, we would count all the khakis. I hated inventory. It was awful. I made sure that I was very busy whenever there was inventory around.
Speaker 2:Inventory is a painstaking process where you take everything and you go. Okay process where you take everything and you go okay. It says that we're supposed to have 14 pairs of plain front khakis. Do we have 14 pairs of plain front khakis? I think the same is true for us, and it is a painstaking process that takes a bit of time, where we have to take every part of our lives, our relationships, the things that we watch, how we spend our days, how we invest our money, how we are talking and correcting our children, all the different things that we're doing, and we need to take each of those and hold them up to the light and say does this match with what you are asking me to do and to be? Oh God, have mercy on me.
Speaker 2:Psalm 139, 23 and 24 says it like this Search me, god, and know my heart. He already does. We saw it in 1 Samuel. Test God and know my heart. He already does. We saw it in 1 Samuel. Test me and know my anxious thoughts, thank you. See, if there are any offensive ways in me and lead me to everlasting, we must take inventory of our entire lives individually first. It's what we've been talking about the last three weeks too. That's really what we've been saying is that each of these parts of our life really need to be held up to the light, and not that everyone gets permission to that, but that there are those who are trusted and you're in community with that really need to help you in shaping that and refining that.
Speaker 2:And so then I just ask you what are you feeding yourself? Not food-wise, though that may be part of it. What are you feeding yourself visually? What are you listening to? What are the things that are creating life or death in you, so that you have something to give and to offer? How are you presenting yourself? Are you presenting yourself in such a way that what people see is actually who you are? When the doors are closed, how are you treating other people, especially those who don't look anything like you? How do they feel? Have they met Jesus more because they've interacted with you, or less? How are you spending your money, your time, the gifting that God has entrusted you with? What are you doing with that to push back darkness and advance God's kingdom? And then, if you find anything in me that is unpleasing or unholy or not advancing God's work, then would you take that from me, even me, especially me, god. Would you take that from me and remove it as far as the East is from the West, would you purify me from all unrighteousness? And the same, my friends, is true for you, regardless of your position there is.
Speaker 2:I think there's something interesting happening in culture right now that I think is worth paying attention to, and it's this Two things seem to be happening at the same time.
Speaker 2:One is that I feel like that this next generation, generation Z, I think that they are falling desperately in love with the words of Jesus in a way that I haven't seen other generations do, and it's beautiful that they're looking at that and they're saying Jesus says this and that's beautiful. I actually want to make my life look more like that. In fact, I hope that that's why you're here as well is that you're falling in love with the words of Jesus and knowing what does that look like for me to do that and to change that in my life. And then the other part is this so that's the first thing I think is happening. The second is this I think God's church has a tendency, when left unchecked, to look less and less like the words of Jesus, and that's terrifying, and that's a problem, because what this generation is seeing is they're saying I love these words and I can't seem to find a church that is matching up with what it is that Jesus is saying. And you say he's your authority, and yet your life looks different than that.
Speaker 2:That's a problem, and if left unchecked, we are in the same danger of that we are not immune from that as individuals, or Northgate, and here's what I know the removal of those unholy things are usually disruptive, they are aggressive and they are wildly essential. Here's how I want to end our time. There's a song that I discovered back in 2002. It's a song called Clear the Stage. It was written by a gentleman by the name of Ross King. A couple other artists have sang it.
Speaker 2:I am not going to be singing it for you today You're welcome but his words, the poetry, the words of the song have both encouraged me in my faith and haunted me, because it's essentially saying are we more infatuated with the system of church or living a life that is honoring to Jesus? So I would love to read this over you as a way to close our time together. It says this clear the stage and set the sound and lights ablaze. If that's the measure you must take, to crush your idols, jerk the pews and all the decorations too, until the congregation's few then have revival. Take a break from all the plans that you have made and sit at home alone and wait for God to whisper. Beg him, please, to open up his mouth and speak, and pray for real upon your knees until they blister. Shine a light on every corner of your life until the pride and lust and lies are in the open. Then read the word and put to test the things you've heard, until your heart and soul are stirred and rocked and broken, because you can sing all you want to and still get it wrong.
Speaker 2:Worship is more than a song and if we are too busy acting like Christians to be a Christian, then we've got the system totally inverted. We cannot be about preserving an image or an identity or a position or a level of comfort if it is not honoring to God. We must, as individuals and collectively, as Northgate, then, be at a place where we are working out our faith with fear and trembling daily and submitting that life and saying, dying daily and allowing Christ to then do something new in us, to create for ourselves, for us collectively, and a world in desperate need of a real Jesus, of the real Jesus. That we then live that out with every action and decision that we have. Amen.